So division camp is done. It was a great time for the girls. We even got a girl that wanted to join our group because she had so much fun with my girls, myself and the other leader in our unit. That is a good thing I think. We had large 15 person tent with 12 girls in it (I am not sure how you could fit 15 in it but that is what it said. The weather was awesome. the food was delisious. A good time was had by all.
Alexis and I went to our cake decorating class yesterday it was fun. Poor Alexis she just had a train wreck. Her cake slid in the carrier and then when she tried to put the transfer on it stuck to the cake. I think it still turned out pretty good. All in all it was a fun night out with my daughter. I will put some pics up of camp and the cake some time later this week.
Have a great day.