Last night was a great night. We had an art show with our guide troupe. The put their artwork all around outside. The girls were very excited to show their parents the work that they had done. After that was done I went home to hang out with some girls that were in my guide group but are now leaders. We watched Pretty in Pink. It is an awesome movie with molly ringwald. It is an 80's classic.
Tonight I will be babysitting the little runt and taking my nephew to Scout camp. Then selling cookies tomorrow. Hopefully that will be the last of the cookies. 140 cases is way to many to sell with only 5 girls that are willing to help. Once the cookies are sold it is time to start looking into our trip to PEI. The girls are going to love that. IF anyone has any funraising ideas please let me know we are always looking for different ways to do it as the girls would like to be able to raise about 3/4 of their trip.
Have a great day.